Monday, March 8, 2010

Prepping for a Perfect Backcountry Camping trip

Over the years I’ve worked hard to get the right mix of gear for my camping trips.I’ve tried the ultralight camping – leaving behind things like pants and soap, in favour of ensuring a lighter load – and car camping – where we brought coolers, lawn chairs, multi-burner stoves and our weight in beer.

For each of these trips I’ve compiled lists upon lists. Each trip means a different gear list gets written. And because I am disorganized, I lose the lists, or keep too many lists, or forget where I put the list. So this exercise is more about me than it is about you. I’m collecting the perfect list, and I invite you to take a look and share your thoughts and comments on it.

I’ll post gear from 8 categories including:
- Shelter/Bedding
- Clothes
- Personal Hygiene
- First Aid
- Cooking gear
- Random Essentials and
- Keeping the dog alive

Stay tuned, and toss in some comments if you see fit.

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